july 2017


Working pensioners to receive their full pension from first day of month following their retirement from 2018 on

Starting in January 2018, working pensioners will be receiving their full pension, including every pension raise, from the first day of the month following the month of their retirement consistent with Federal Law No 134-FZ ‘On the Adjustment of Article 26.1 of the Federal Law on Insurance Pensions’ approved on July 1, 2017 . The law will take effect on January 1, 2018.

june 2017

PFR Consulting Service receives over 420,000 applications from Russians

The Federal Consulting Service of the Russian Pension Fund has given citizens over 300,000 consultations on the phone since the beginning of 2017 on general aspects of pensions and social security, the use of maternity capital, state co-funding of pension savings, and a number of other issues. In the same period, operators of the center have processed over 120,000 requests made via the online consulting service on the PFR website.


PFR mobile application downloaded by 70,000 users

About 70,000 persons have downloaded the Russian Pension Fund’s application for mobile devices providing convenient access to key online services in the personal account section of the PFR website. The application can be used to receive information about the status of one’s individual account in the Pension Fund, the assigned pension and social benefits, and insurance contributions paid by the employer, as well as to make an appointment and to order the issue of necessary documents.


Over 0.5 million requests for assignment of pensions filed online in 2017

The number of Russians who applied for the assignment of pensions by means of online services in the personal account section of the Pension Fund website grew by nearly fivefold in the first five months of 2017. In the period from January through May 2017, the personal accounts section was used for filing 582,000 requests for the assignment of pensions and 951,000 requests for choosing or modifying the pension delivery method, which was 4.7 and 4.8 times more than in the relevant period of 2016.


PFR Head Anton Drozdov moderates expert debate at Second Forum of Regional Social Innovations

Russian Pension Fund Board Chairman Anton Drozdov and Presidential Advisor for Internet Development German Klimenko have moderated an expert debate titled ‘IT Technologies – New Points of Social Growth’. The expert debate held on the sidelines of the Second Forum of Regional Social Innovations in Krasnogorsk addressed the role of IT technologies in changing the life of people, society and the world at large.


PFR Head Anton Drozdov attends St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

Russian Pension Fund Board Chairman Anton Drozdov has taken part in the panel session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) titled ‘Mature Demand. Demographic Portrait of Modern Buyer’ focused on the global demographic shift and its influence on various economic sectors.

may 2017
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