
Starting January 2017, data concerning disabilities and individual rehabilitation and abilitation programs for persons with disabilities is transferred to the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities database in the real-time mode.

The data is transferred to the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities in the real-time mode from the Federal Bureau of Social and Medical Examination through the integrated system of electronic interdepartmental interaction. More than 630,000 documents pertaining to 308,000 persons with disabilities have been received in this manner.

The normative and legal basis will be expanded in 2017 to render public and municipal services to persons with disabilities, proceeding from the information contained in the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities without filing inquiries with other agencies, and persons with disabilities will no longer have to submit duplicating documents and information. Every piece of information stored in the Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities will have legal value.

The Federal Register of Persons with Disabilities will contain the entire information about persons with disabilities, which will help avoid multiple and multidirectional document flow between governmental agencies and make it unnecessary for persons with disabilities to supplement their requests for services with documents. Efficiency of public governance will grow in the field of social security and quality of public and municipal services provided to persons with disabilities.

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