
The Russian Pension Fund has been developing the network of public services, including online client services, which do not require a visit to PFR offices. PFR is furthering its goal through broader participation in the system of inter-departmental interaction, minimization of the list of necessary documents, and commencement of online client services.

A few days ago, the Pension Fund launched the pilot project of a virtual client service in the Republic of Buryatia. From now on, PFR clients in Buryatia can receive services and consultations and request information and documents on the phone and via terminals, using the personal account section of the PFR website, and the public services portal.

The presentation of the virtual client service demonstrated the prototype of a terminal, which will be installed in remote populated localities of the republic. Expanded functions of the complex’s hardware and software will give clients the online access to PFR services. Clients will not need special training to use the terminal. The display is very simple and user-friendly. All public services provided via the terminal are grouped by concrete life situations, such as the child birth, the pending retirement and the assignment of a pension, the request for a personal account balance, and many other key PFR services sought by citizens from client services.

Alongside the phone service provided by the PFR call center, citizens can be notified by means of SMS messages, while the chatbot based on the Telegram messenger service automatically answers frequently asked questions about pension laws.

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