
Two new services have been launched in the personal account section of the Pension Fund’s website: they regard the assignment of professional pension benefits to former civil aviation and coal industry employees, and additional benefits for outstanding merits and achievements. It is now possible to apply for such Pension Fund benefits online, by using the personal account section on the PFR website.

Civil aviation crewmembers, including pilots, navigators, engineers and mechanics, as well as coal industry workers, such as miners, shaft men, coal-face workers, and engine drivers, are entitled to professional pension benefits.

Additional benefits for outstanding merits and achievements are assigned to Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, holders of the Orders of Merit and Labor Glory, Olympic champions, and some other citizens.

The Pension Fund annually receives about 2,600 requests for assigning pension benefits of former civil aviation and coal industry employees, in addition to about 700 requests for assigning benefits for outstanding merits and achievements. As of now, professional pension benefits are received by 41,000 former pilots and other former members of flight crews, as well as 60,000 retired coal industry workers. Additional benefits are received by 18,000 persons.

Please note that all online services of the Pension Fund are available on the unified portal Most services are accessible via a certified account in the UIAS (the Unified Identification and Authentication System, Some PFR online services can be accessed via the PFR’s free mobile application for iOS and Android.

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