
Today, Anton Drozdov, PFR Board Chairman, and Oleg Belozerov, Chairman of the Board of the Russian Railways (RZhD), have signed an information cooperation agreement at the Forum for Social Innovations in Regions held in Moscow.

Under the agreement, one of the lines of PFR-RZhD cooperation will be a simplified rail travel document issuance procedure for benefit recipients.

A technology for local reduced-fare ticket issuance for recipients of the social services package funded by the Pension Fund of Russia may be a pilot project in this area. Using PFR information, the on-line ticket issuance system will receive the acknowledgement of entitlement to travel privilege and issue tickets.

Relevant information will be transferred by blockchain to government authorities, PFR and RZhD, based on which the shortfall in a transport company’s income will be subsequently compensated subject to the rules of social services subsidies allocation to carriers.

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