
Russian Pension Fund Board Deputy Chairman Nikolay Kozlov has been reelected treasurer of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) for the period until 2020. The election took place on October 18 at the 38th session of the ISSA Council, which was held on the sidelines of the World Social Security Forum.

During his service as the ISSA treasurer (since 2017), Nikolay Kozlov ensured security of the ISSA budget and funds against the backdrop of financial challenges. The Control Committee was established for that purpose. Acting under Kozlov’s supervision, the Committee analyzed the ISSA budget and finances, elaborated short- and long-term measures for their strengthening and a mechanism for adjustment of membership fees for the purpose of security ISSA products and services.

Soon enough, the ISSA Finance Committee will be established under the supervision of Nikolay Kozlov to provide continuous monitoring of the Association’s financial status and to offer recommendations. The joint work of representatives from all over the world will contribute to the long-term and current planning processes and will ensure a high degree of transparency of the Association.

The International Social Security Association unites national social security authorities and agencies. It carries out research, provides consultations, supports interstate cooperation in social security issues, and improves social security practices with better technical and administrative methods.

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