
There are more than 12 million disabled persons, including 680,000 children with disabilities, in Russia, and all of them receive support from the government, including benefits provided by the Pension Fund.

Group 1 disability

Group 2 disability

Group 3 disability

Disabled children

Disabled persons 11.3 million

Disabled children (5.4%) 0.7 million

Disability pensions

2.1 million social pensions

0.04 million state pensions

2.1 million insurance pensions


The PFR pays three types of disability pensions, including insurance pensions. Insurance pension entitlements emerge whenever a disabled person has at least one-day length of employment. Nowadays, such pensions are received by 2.05 million people, and their average amount stands at 9,300 rubles.

A disabled person who has never worked and has no insurance record receives disability social pensions from the Pension Fund. Such pensions are currently received by 2.08 million people, and their average amount stands at 10,400 rubles.

It is possible to swap disability insurance and social pensions for old-age insurance and social pensions, which are equal or larger, on a number of conditions.

Disability state pensions are assigned to persons who developed disabilities as a result of military service, space missions, and radiation or man-made catastrophes. They are currently received by 43,000 persons, and their average amount stands at about 13,000 rubles.

Disability causes

1.1% - military service

0.5% - military injury

1.4% - occupational injury

0.9% - other

10.4% - lifelong disability

Persons disabled as a result of military injury and persons with WWII-related disabilities are entitled to both old-age insurance pension and disability state pension. There are about 74,400 disabled persons in this category at the moment, and their pensions range from 30,700 to 37,400 rubles.

All disabled persons receiving pensions from the PFR and not working are guaranteed payments at least at the amount of the regional pensioner subsistence minimum.

Employment of disabled persons

73.4%               26.6%

3.5 million disabled persons are in the able-bodied age

0.9 million of them are working

2.6 million are not working


Besides pensions, the PFR provides disabled persons with monthly benefits depending on the group of disability and a package of social services comprising medications, medical goods, health resort vouchers, and transportation services. Disabled persons who do not need these services can receive their full or partial monetary equivalent.

Number of disabled persons by federal districts

Central Federal District – 1.9 mln women/1.3 mln men

Volga Federal District – 1.2 mln women/1.0 mln men

Siberian Federal District – 0.7 mln women/0.6 mln men

Northwestern Federal District – 0.8 mln women/0.5 mln men

Southern Federal District – 0.6 mln women/0.6 mln men

North Caucasus Federal District – 0.5 mln women/0.4 mln men

Urals Federal District – 0.4 mln women/0.3 mln men

Far Eastern Federal District – 0.3 mln women/0.2 mln men


Payments from the Pension Fund are received by both disabled persons and those who care for them. The payment amounts to 1,200 rubles a month for non-working able-bodies citizens taking care of persons with Group 1 disability. Parents taking care of disabled children or persons with lifelong Group 1 disability receive the monthly payment of 10,000 rubles.

Families entitled to maternity capital can spend it on buying specialized goods for disabled children.

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