
The Rostelecom Company and the Pension Fund of Russia has drawn up the results of the training program «ABC of Internet» for the five-year period. From September 2014 to the end of 2019 305,400 retired persons, among them 54,400 persons in 2019, increased computer literacy by training.

Together with the territorial offices  of the Pension Fund and the Rostelecom branches among the organizers of the training there were such state and public organizations  as  Regional social protection administrations, branches of the public organization “Soyuz Pensionerov Rossiyi “, libraries and others.

«ABC of Internet» is a charity project of the Rostelecom Company and the Pension Fund of Russia. All materials are open for public and may be used by all organizations and individuals for training of the retired persons.

The training program enjoys popularity due to the educational materials which are well-targeted and adapted for the aged persons. The materials are placed on the site , they contain the basic course for beginners and the advanced  course for more extensive training. Here one can find guidance manuals for the instructors. All materials are available for download.

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