
Now self-employed persons, paying the tax levied on the proceeds from professional activity, are able to make voluntarily contributions building up personal pension fund via mоbile app «My Tax». The application gives the opportunity to register in the Pension Fund as a payer of insurance contributions, which is a prerequisite for making the voluntarily contributions.

Previously to this time, with the purpose of making voluntarily contributions a self-employed citizen had to come in person or  to send by post the application on registration in the Pension Fund and had to perform payment by bank transfer. Now one can do this using the mobile app.  Application on registration of the payer of the voluntarily contributions may be sent using personal cabinet on the site of the Pension Fund.

After registration the payer of the insurance contributions  gains access to the  information about the sum of contributions within the current year (value of the insurance year), about recorded payments in the Pension Fund and the length of service, which will be shown on the personal account by the end of the year.

One can make contributions in two ways: making one payment for the whole year or performing periodic payments. When insurance contribution is made at the defined rate (RUB 32,448 in 2020 for the full calendar year), then one year in included into the insurance period.

The value of the insurance year is calculated from the date of registration of the self-employed person in the Pension Fund as a payer of insurance contributions, provided that registration continues till the end of the year. If the sums of insurance contributions are less than the sums defined, the continuity of employment will be calculated in proportion to the paid up sums.

It should be reminded that self-employed persons, paying the tax levied on the proceeds from professional activity, build up their pensions at their own account , among them through making voluntarily contributions , and are not obliged to make mandatory pension contributions, as for example, individual private owners or notaries.

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