
In accordance with Presidential  Executive Order dated 7th April 2020 within the period from April to June monthly benefit amounting to RUB 5,000 for each child aged up to 3  is assigned to the Russian families entitled to the maternity capital ( or those having been entitled earlier)  .

All families qualified for the maternity capital prior to 1st July 2020, also in the case when the funds provided by the Certificate are fully spent, are entitled to the benefit.

The families are financed through the Federal budget when the measures of additional support are really important, considering current epidemiologic situation. This payout does not bring about reduction of the maternity capital and   is not taken into account when determining family income in qualification for other social- support measures.

According to the Chairman of the Board of the PFR Maxim Topilin, the PFR territorial offices will, where possible, personally inform the families if they are entitled to the benefit.  About 2.3 million families will receive the monthly benefit for each child aged up to 3. Mr.Topilin noted: “Territorial offices in the regions will do their best to notify the certificate holders on their right to obtain the assigned benefit.”

The families have almost half a year to deal with the matter. The Pension Fund accepts applications till 1st October and is ready to grant benefits for the period from April to June if a family is qualified  in this regard.

To become entitled to the benefits apply online in your personal cabinet on portal or There is no need for the certificate holders to present any additional documents. If required, the PFR will make respective requests by its own.

Applications may be also submitted through the client’s offices of the Pension Fund.

We remind that because of the COVID-19 prevention and control measures, aimed at limiting spread of the disease, access is available only by appointment. Date and time of the appointment is fixed via the online service, and by phone, the respective phone numbers are stated in the section «Regional Contacts».

Case Study

  • Families with two children: the first child reached 2, the second child was born in January 2020. Application for the benefit was submitted in April. Each month from April to June the family will get 5,000 rubles for each child, in total RUB 30,000 for three months.
  • Families with two children: the first child reached 2, the second child was born in January 2020. Application for the benefit was submitted in September 2020. The family will get 30,000 rubles in September in a lump sum.
  • Families with three children: the youngest children were born in January 2020, the elder child will reach 3 in May 2020. Application for the benefit was submitted in April. The family will get RUB 15,000 in April and May (5,000 rubles for each child), in June  – RUB 10,000 for two children, who have not reached three, in total RUB 40,000 for three months.
  • Families with one child, born in May 2020. Application was submitted in August. The family will get 10,000 rubles in a lump sum in August: RUB 5,000 for each month starting from May.

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