
The Russian Pension Fund has started paying lump-sum benefits of 10,000 rubles to families with children aged from 3 to 16. The money has been transferred to 10.2 million families with 14.6 million children, or more than half of all families that quality for the benefit in accordance with the presidential order. By now, 146 billion rubles have been assigned.

The first child benefits were paid to the parents who filed their applications through May 22. Under the rules, the applications from families are processed within five working days, and the money is transferred within three working days.

The eight-day period is maximal, and could be shorter in certain cases. It applies to all applications, including those filed on weekends. For instance, an application filed between May 23 (Saturday) and May 25 (Monday) is processed by May 29 and the money is transferred by June 2.

The most common reasons why the application for the lump-sum benefit could be denied are:

The lack of benefit qualification – the applicant is deprived of parental rights, is not a Russian citizen, or resides abroad. This is a repeat application – the parent has earlier filed an application on behalf of the same child. The payment has already been received – money has been transferred to the family consistent with the earlier application. Incorrect information has been provided – the application incorrectly indicates the name of the parent or the child, the date of birth, SNILS, or family relation.

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