
The Russian Pension Fund reminds all working citizens of the need to submit a written statement to their employers in a free style before December 31, 2020, in order to choose the form of their employment record books, which could be either electronic or paper. The shift to electronic employment record books is voluntary.

Employees who choose the electronic employment record book will receive their paper employment record book to keep with the relevant entry affirming their choice. The paper employment record book will not become invalid, and will be used alongside the electronic one as the source of information about employment record prior to 2020. Currently, electronic employment record books contain information starting from 2020.

Please note that the State Duma is considering a federal bill, which allows citizens to apply to PFR offices for including the entire employment record obtained before January 1, 2020, in their electronic employment record book.

Employers of the workers who decide to keep the paper employment record book will keep both documents, paper and electronic. Employers of citizens who fail to make their choice before the end of 2020 despite being employed will continue to keep their employment record book on paper. 

All citizens whose employment begins in 2021 will have electronic employment record books without a paper employment record book being issued.

As of this moment, 4.2 million people have chosen electronic employment record books.

Read more about electronic employment record books.

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