
People who use the “Disabled Person” label on their vehicles for preferential parking purposes need to apply for the free parking permit for the vehicle transporting a disabled adult or child either online in the personal account on the Public Services portal, or on the website of the Federal Register of Disabled Persons (FRDP), or personally in a multifunctional center.

There is no need to prove one’s right to free parking, as all necessary information is already stored in the FRDP database operated by the Russian Pension Fund. The relevant amendments, which serve as yet another step towards higher accessibility of public and municipal services to persons with disabilities, took effect on July 1, 2020. Over that period, 211,000 have been registered in the database of the Federal Register of Disabled Persons.

Starting on January 1, 2021, preferential parking will be possible only on the basis of information about disabled persons’ vehicles in the Federal Register of Disabled Persons. 

It is possible to apply for free parking of a vehicle operated by a person with first or second group disabilities, or transporting such disabled persons, including disabled children. Also free parking is allowed to persons with third group disabilities with limited locomotion functions.

Please note that the vehicle inclusion in the register requires the indication of the license plate, the car model, which is chosen from the available list, as well as period during which a person plans to use the parking. The information will appear in the register 15 minutes later. This makes it possible to enter even the license plate of a taxi, which a disabled person uses to travel around the city, so that the taxi could park in preferential parking areas without being fined. It is possible to change the vehicle information by submitting a new application; the information last submitted to the FRDP will be regarded as up-to-date.

One person can apply for free parking of only one vehicle. The same vehicle can be registered by several disabled persons.

Please note that a temporary procedure of the establishment of disabilities is in effect between March 1, 2020, and March 1, 2021. In this period, the procedure is based exclusively on documents from medical institutions and does not compel disabled persons to visit medical and social examination bureaus. The registration of disabilities is also extended in absentia.

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