The period of transition to a higher retirement age continues this year. The retirement age grew by another year in January, by three years in total, yet pensions are assigned 18 months earlier than the new retirement age in 2021: at 56.5 years for women and at 61.5 years for men.

The benefit applies to everyone who was supposed to retire in 2020 under the previous laws. Women born in 1965 and men born in 1960 will be assigned pensions in the second half of 2021 or the first half of 2022 depending on their birthday.

Birth year women Terms of retirement
Age Year Labor record Coeff.
1964 HI 55,5 2019 HII 10 16,2
1964 HII 55,5 2020 HI 11 18,6
56,5 2021HII
12 21
56,5 2022HI
13 23,4
1966 58 2024 15 28,2
1967 59 2026 15 30
1968 60 2028 15 30
Birth year men Terms of retirement
Age Year labor record Coeff.
1959 HI
60,5 2019HII
10 16,2
1959HII 60,5 2020HI
11 18,6
1960 HI 61,5 2021 HII 12 21
1960 HII 61,5 2022 HI 13 23,4
1961 63 2024 15 28,2
1962 64 2026 15 30
1963 65 2028 15 30


Those who reach the former retirement age this year will have their old-age pensions assigned in 2024.

Please note that many Russians continue to retire at the former retirement age, first of all people entitled to early retirement – miners, public transport drivers, and others working under hard, dangerous or harmful conditions. Their employers pay additional pension insurance contributions, and most of those workers retire at 50 or 55, depending on their gender, same as they did before.

Teachers, doctors and persons of certain artistic professions also continue to retire on the basis of labor record instead of upon the achievement of the retirement age. In his case, pensions are assigned with due account of the transitional period, which begins as soon as they have relevant labor record. For instance, a school teacher with relevant labor record achieved in April 2021 will be able to retire in three years, in April 2024, consistent with the transitional period.

Meanwhile, residents of the North continue to retire five years before the general retirement age, but with due account of the transitional period. The minimal labor record in the North, required for early retirement, has not changed and remains 15 calendar years in the Arctic and 20 calendar years in similar territories. The overall labor record is also unchanged: 20 years for women and 25 years for men.

Same as before, pensions are assigned upon the accumulation of minimal pension coefficients and labor record. They stand at 12 years and 21 coefficients until the end of 2021. One year of work is equal to one year of labor record and up to ten coefficients. Labor record benefits and premium coefficients that could be earned with delayed retirement allow to acquire higher pension entitlements over a year.

Retirement age requirements do not apply to disability pensions. These pensions are fully preserved and assigned to anyone disabled irrespective of the age and consistent with the group of disability.

Please note that pension savings are still paid starting at 55 or 60 years or earlier in case of the early payment entitlements. A person seeking to receive the savings needs to file a statement with the Russian Pension Fund, for instance via the Public Services portal.

According to the preliminary information, the Pension Fund assigned 1.4 million insurance and state pensions over the year, most of them (over 870,000) were old-age insurance pensions.

About 64% of all old-age pensions (over 561,000) were assigned with due account of the benefit that allows retirement six months before the new retirement age (55.5 years for most women and 60.5 years for most men). The other old-age pensions were assigned either several years or 10-15 years before the general retirement age.


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