The Russian Pension Fund has summed up results of pension savings’ investment in 2020. Net profit of PFR management companies to be credited to citizens’ accounts stood at 6.81%, compared to 4.9% annual inflation.

Profitability of the expanded investment portfolio of VEB.RF, which is forming pension savings of 37.9 million Russians, amounted to 6.77% annual. The state bonds portfolio of VEB.RF, accumulating savings of 335,000 persons, had an annual profitability of 7.77%. Private management companies that invested savings of 212,000 people enlarged the funds of future pensioners by 8.06%.

Thus, the profit demonstrated by PFR management companies exceeded last year’s inflation.

As a result of investments, 125.4 billion rubles will be credited to accounts of Russians in the Pension Fund. Information about the amount of pension savings, including the profit, will appear in the accounts by the end of March as balance that could be viewed in the account on the PFR portal and the Public Services portal or received from PFR territorial divisions and multifunctional public service centers.

Currently, pension savings are being formed by 75.5 million Russians, including 38.4 million who have their savings in the Russian Pension Fund, and others who chose private pension funds.

Savings of those who chose the PFR as their insurer are formed by the state management company VEB.RF and 16 private management companies. Together with the profit received last year, the overall amount of pension savings in management companies cooperating with the Pension Fund neared 2 trillion rubles.

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