Irrespective of the group of disability, all disabled persons are entitled to compensation in the amount of 50% of the mandatory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO) premium. The benefit is envisaged by the law on mandatory motor third party liability insurance. Earlier, the compensation was provided by social protection services. Starting from 2022, the compensations and some other benefits will become the area of the Russian Pension Fund and will be assigned by its territorial branches.

Currently, compensation is provided upon presentation of the OSAGO policy by a disabled person or his/her representative. As the Pension Fund takes up payments, that will no longer be necessary and compensations will be assigned without an application or documents, just like all pensions and social benefits are assigned by the PFR to disabled persons.

That will be done thanks to the information systems of the Pension Fund and the Russian Association of Motor Insurers (RAMI). The RAMI’s engagement in interagency cooperation and the inclusion of the individual insurance account number (SNILS) in the OSAGO contract allows the automatic transfer of policy information from the mandatory motor third party liability insurance database to the Unified Social Security Information System (USSIS). The rest of information, such as information about disability, medical indications for owning a vehicle, and lawful representatives of a disabled person, is received by the Fund from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons and the USSIS.

Before the compensation becomes proactive, a disabled person or his/her representative will need to apply to the Pension Fund client service at the place of residence and present the OSAGO policy. This can be done throughout the period of policy validity, i.e. during a year. The compensation is assigned within five working days, and the payment is made within the same period.

Please note that compensation for mandatory motor third party liability insurance is provided to disabled persons who need a personal transport by medical indications, consistent with the rehabilitation or abilitation assistance program. There is one compensation per one OSAGO policy valid for no more than three drivers, including a disabled person and his/her lawful representative.

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