The Pension Fund has been providing measures of support reassigned to it by social protection services since the middle of January. Russian Post and other postal services started to deliver the benefits on January 15, while banks began to credit funds to accounts on January 17.

Benefits and compensations, which were earlier assigned or paid by social protection services, will be received by February. The delivery of January benefits, which are usually received in February, will be expedited. It will apply to over 2 million people and will be over in all regions by January 25.

In February, payments will be made only on newly assigned benefits, on the basis of applications filed with the Pension Fund and public service centers in January and February. The applications have been filed by 50,000 people to date.

The payments will be back on regular schedule in March, and benefits for the previous month will be paid in the current month.

The largest amount of benefits handed over from social protection services will go to families with children. Non-working parents and guardians of people younger than 18 months are entitled to monthly child care benefits. Non-working parents of born or adopted children are entitled to one-off payments. Families of deceased military servicemen or law enforcement officers will receive a number of compensations, including child vacation benefits and public utility and house renovation benefits.

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