The pro-active assignment of insurance and social disability pensions began on January 1, 2022. Such pensions and social benefits, including a package of social services, are assigned on the day a person is declared disabled consistent with information from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons without providing respective certificates to the Pension Fund. More than 41,200 disabled persons had their pensions pro-actively assigned since the beginning of this year. These people were not pensioners before they became disabled. Whenever a current pensioner becomes disabled, the PFR assigns a monthly benefit.

A decision to assign insurance or social disability pensions is made within five days since the day the information about disability is received from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons. The Pension Fund sends a relevant notice to the citizen within three working days since the pension is assigned. The pension assignment notice is sent to an account on the public services portal or by mail whenever there is no account on the portal.

Once a pension is assigned, its delivery method needs to be chosen. It is possible to request a delivery method online, via an account on the PFR website or on the public services portal. It is possible to change the pension delivery method anytime by filing a new application in any convenient manner: online, via an account on the PFR website, on the public services website, during an in-person visit to the PFR or at a multifunctional service center.

A pension is assigned to persons who were not pensioners before their disability. Whenever a pensioner is declared disabled, the PFR assigns an additional monthly benefit.

The provision of a number state services in the pro-active mode, without personal visit and filing of an application and documents, is part of the social treasury program, which aims at expediting the provision of social support and makes the collection of certificates unnecessary.

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