Client services of the Russian Pension Fund and the unified call center stayed open on weekends and holidays in May to receive applications from families for a new benefit for children aged from eight to 17. The submission of applications began on May 1. Besides the public services portal, the applications were accepted at 2,000 territorial divisions of the fund. On May 1-3 and May 7-10, territorial offices were working on a special schedule and receiving applications for the new benefit for parents’ convenience. Service was provided by 4,000 PFR specialists on holidays.

Call center operators supported the work of client services and offered information about the new benefit to families. Some 90,000 parents were given consultations in an online chat or over the telephone.

Please note that parents may apply for a new benefit for children aged from eight through 16 if an average family income is smaller than the regional subsistence minimum. Not just the entitlement to the benefit but also its amount depend on family income. The basic payment amounts to 50% of the regional child subsistence minimum. This is average 6,100 rubles a month in Russia.

If the family income is still below the subsistence minimum even with the 50% benefit, the payment is enlarged to 75%. If this is not enough, the benefit is paid to the maximum, 100% of the regional child subsistence minimum. So, the benefit ranges from 10,300 to 28,000 rubles depending on the constituent territory, or 12,300 rubles on the Russian average.

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