Some 55,000 families spent maternity capital on building or renovating their home last year. Except for Moscow, the option was most frequently used by residents of the Krasnodar Territory where over 3,000 applications of the sort were filed.  Residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region also preferred building a house to buying one. Some 2,400 families spent the money that way.

Other regions with the largest number of applications for spending maternity capital on house construction or renovation are Crimea (1,900 applications), the Rostov region (1,600 applications), Bashkortostan (1,600 applications), the Sverdlovsk region (1,600 applications), the Republic of Sakha - Yakutia (1,500 applications), the Republic of Tatarstan (1,300 applications) and the Belgorod region (1,200 applications).

Please note that maternity capital can be spent on house construction or renovation in two stages. Once the application is granted, half of the requested sum is transferred to the account of the certificate holder. The remaining part is transferred after most of the works on house construction or renovation are done.

It is possible to spend the money on building a house after the child that entitles the family to maternity capital turns three.

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