An online seminar for teachers and organizers of Internet ABC, a joint program of the Russian Pension Fund and the Rostelecom company aimed at computer training of pensioners, took place in 55 regions of Russia today. More than 1,500 applications for attending the seminar were filed.

The webinar was attended by teachers from St. Petersburg and the Irkutsk region. They told the audience about organizing such training in libraries, specifics of work with pensioners in small towns, and cons and pros of online learning of senior citizens.

The online training was highlighted in 2020 when offline courses became impossible amid the coronavirus pandemic. The organization of online training became the most relevant topic for teachers.

Please note that Internet ABC is a joint project of Rostelecom and the Russian Pension Fund in which guidelines and a textbook are published and classes for pensioners are organized. All program materials are accessible for public on the Internet ABC portal. They could be used by any organizations and private teachers to teach pensioners how to use a computer.

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