From June 1, the Pension Fund will increase three monthly benefits to families owing to a larger subsistence minimum. These include benefits for children aged from eight to 17 in full and single parent families with low income, and benefits for pregnant women.

The amount of benefits is based on the new subsistence minimum.  Now the benefits to women registered at the early stage of pregnancy will grow to approximately 7,600 rubles per month on the average across Russia (50% of the subsistence minimum of an able-bodied adult). Parents of children aged from eight to 16 will be receiving the assigned amount of benefit (50%, 75% or 100% of the child subsistence minimum) starting June, or from 6,750 to 13,500 rubles per month on the average.

The raised benefits will be paid first to parents who file their applications in June. By the rule, the benefit is assigned within five working days since the parent’s application is granted. Therefore, all benefits approved in June will be paid in the higher amount. Parents whose benefits were approved before June will receive higher benefits in July.

The PFR has assigned monthly benefits to parents of 4.18 million children aged from eight to 18 and 163,000 pregnant women.

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