Pension Fund branches all over the country have entered into agreements with children's rights ombudsmen to develop cooperation and be more effective in the support of families with children. The agreements between the PFR and the ombudsmen have been signed in 58 regions of the country today, on International Children’s Day. By the end of the day, the agreements will be signed in 23 more regions, including Mordovia, the Primorye Territory and the Penza and Tambov regions.

The cooperation is bound to improve the interaction in protecting children’s interests in social affairs. Fund branches and ombudsmen will be processing applications from parents and discussing problems with the payment of benefits.

In the words of PFR Board Deputy Chairman Sergei Chirkov, the joint projects will also promote legal awareness and will inform parents with children about social support measures. “Cooperation will not just improve work of the Pension Fund in social support to children but will also raise the awareness of families about the support they are entitled to,” Chirkov said.

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