The Russian Pension Fund and social security bodies have agreed on a prompt exchange of information about families with many children. New agreements were concluded and existent agreements between regional branches of the Fund and social security bodies were upgraded in May. Now the information about families with many children at the disposal of social security bodies will be daily shared with Fund offices. That will expedite the processing of family applications for monthly benefits endorsed this year on the president’s orders.

Previously, the Pension Fund was receiving information about families with three or more children at a lesser frequency. In order to confirm the status of families with many children, PFR specialists contacted social security bodies, which, consistent with the regulations, replied within up to five working days. The information update within one day will make such enquiries unnecessary and will expedite the processing of applications.

Please note that the status of a family with many children serves as a reason for the preferential assessment of property in the course of the assignment of benefits for children aged from eight to 17 and pregnant women. The home, means of transportation and plots assigned by the government as a measure of support are excluded from the assessment of needs of such families.

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