Some 16,500 families have spent their maternity capital on the construction or renovation of a private home since the beginning of this year. The Pension Fund has transferred a total of 5.3 billion rubles for these purposes. The money was provided for building a new home, expand the existent home, or compensate for home construction and renovation expenses.

Maternity capital is spent on home construction in two steps. Once the application is granted, half of the maternity capital funds are credited to the account of a certificate holder. The rest is transferred after the main works in home construction or renovation are completed. Whenever the works are done by a contractor, the entire sum is transferred directly to it.

Please note that maternity capital cannot be invested in attaching a non-residential building, such as a barn or a garage, to the house, as this is not a home improvement. Such works as the replacement of the roof or windows or the connection of utilities can be part of the renovation but only if the home grows in size. A family can use maternity capital in this case.

Please note that maternity capital funds are assigned for housing construction after the child, who gives the family the right to maternity capital, turns three. The only exception is the initial payment for a mortgage loan or the repayment of such a loan. In this case, maternity capital can be used as soon as a child is born or adopted.

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