Almost 2 million working Russians opted for electronic labor books this year. A key advantage of the electronic labor book is the constant access of an employee to the information it contains. Such employees do not need to ask their employers for information, which often requires the submission of an application and several days of waiting.

The electronic labor book gives access to the information within seconds via the employee’s account on the public services portal and the PFR portal. Information can be received in the form of a digital document, and any adjustments made to the labor book could be monitored online in order to ask the employer to correct the information if necessary.

Client services of the Pension Fund and multifunctional centers provide information from the electronic labor book on paper with a proper signature and a stamp. Both electronic and paper abstracts from the labor book have the same legal value and can be presented to any organizations.

Please note that people who were employed for the first time in 2021 have only electronic labor books, without a paper copy. Employees who have yet to choose the form of their labor books can do that any time.

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