Acting Chairman of the Russian Pension Fund Board Sergey Chirkov has taken part in a teleconference, which summed up results of the all-Russia Day for Reception of Senior Citizens on social security issues organized by the United Russia party.

“The Pension Fund takes the reception of our citizens very seriously. To our knowledge, PFR specialists and their colleagues received over 2,000 questions about pensions from 1,700 citizens on September 8. Fund employees gave necessary explanations to everyone and helped receive services,” Chirkov said at the meeting, which took place at the Central Reception Office of the United Russia party chairman. Most questions were about the assignment and payment of pensions. Another popular subject was measures of social support by the Pension Fund, such as payments reassigned to the PFR from social protection services, or social protection of refugees from the LPR, the DPR and Ukraine. There were also questions about electronic work books and maternity (family) capital.

The Pension Fund head answered several questions asked by citizens in public reception offices of United Russia and indicated the Fund’s priorities during the meeting.

Federation Council Deputy Chairperson Galina Karelova and other meeting participants lauded the work of PFR territorial bodies on the Day for Reception of Citizens on September 8.

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