A pilot project of the Russian Pension Fund has kicked off in regions to open centers for communication between senior citizens.

The Social Fund of Russia to combine the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund will begin operation on January 1, 2023. Some of the administrative infrastructure of both funds, to be vacated during the merger, will be reassigned for social needs of regions, including for centers of communication between senior citizens. Such centers have already opened in Mordovia, Chuvashia, and the Vladimir, Penza and Pskov regions. The project will be scaled up in other regions of Russia.

The possibility to organize free time of senior citizens has a special significance for the Pension Fund, acting PFR Board Chairman Sergei Chirkov said. “The Pension Fund has been providing operation of the national pension system for years, and now it opens doors for leisure of senior citizens. Guests of communication centers will be able to find new friends, new hobbies and new skills in a comfortable environment. Most importantly, they will be given attention and care,” he said,

Centers for communication between senior citizens will provide additional opportunities of personal fulfillment. PFR branches and project partners – cultural establishment, social security departments, civil associations and healthcare establishments – will achieve that through joint events, lectures and classes. According to Sergei Chirkov, specialists will organize feedback from visitors and will adjust the programs so that everyone could find something to one’s liking.

Centers are offering computer rooms, mini-libraries and active aging classrooms to visitors. In addition to educational programs, guests can diversify their leisure time by watching their favorite films together, playing board games and reading books. Also, senior citizens have an opportunity to improve financial and computer literacy.

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