Since January 2022, the Pension Fund has generated 5 million extracts from the electronic work book (DWB) at the request of the Russians. Almost all information was requested online through the public services portal. The share of electronic statements as a result was 87%.

This year, more than 4 million employees have already switched to digital work books. One of the main advantages of DWB is constant and convenient access to information. This eliminates the need to contact the employer for information, which often involves waiting for data for several days.

Information from the e-book can be obtained in your account on the public services portal. It is also possible to request a paper statement with a signature and a seal at the PFR client services and multifunctional centers. Both documents are legally equivalent and can be equally presented to any organization.

For those who first got a job in 2021, the work book is kept immediately in electronic form. The rest of the employees can continue to keep a paper work book or switch to an electronic one. You can do this at any time.

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