103 services of the Social Fund of Russia (SFR) work on the public services portal. They cover almost all areas of the fund's activities, including pensions, sick leave, social benefits and child benefits.

Over the past year, about 40 new services of the fund were launched on the "Gosuslugi". In particular, an electronic application for a one-time payment of pension savings. Also on the portal, you can now arrange care for the disabled and the elderly.

A large group of new online services are application forms for assigning support measures to military families and victims of radiation. Appropriate services allow you to remotely assign compensation for living in a radioactive zone or working in such a territory. Through the portal, you can also receive compensation for health improvement and monthly compensation for milk nutrition for children under 3 years old.

In addition, Gosuslugi provides services that allow you to check the electronic work book and pension account. Disabled people and their representatives can receive technical means of rehabilitation, register a car for parking in special places and get a ticket to a sanatorium for treatment.

You can apply online with just a few clicks. A verified account is required to receive services.

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