Since January 1, insurance pensions of Russians are indexed by 4.8%. The increase affects 31.1 million non-working pensioners, whose payments will be increased by an average of 1,000 rubles a month. As a result of indexation, the average old-age pension will increase to 21.9 thousand rubles. At the same time, indexation is individual for each pensioner and depends on the size of the pension received.

Simultaneously with payments to current pensioners, the pension rights of future pensioners are also indexed from the new year. This happens through a 4.8% increase in the cost of the pension coefficient and fixed payment, which form the insurance pension. The cost of the coefficient in January increases from 118.10 rubles to 123.77 rubles, the size of the fixed payment - from 7,220.74 rubles to 7,567.33 rubles.

In connection with the New Year holidays, some pensioners receive payments for January ahead of schedule. Their pension comes in an increased amount, taking into account the indexation. The indexed funds have already been delivered to many pensioners. Early enrollment of pensions will be fully completed on December 30 and will only affect payments through banks. Delivery of pensions by mail will begin on January 3 and will take place in accordance with the work schedule of branches in each region.

Recall that this year the insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were increased in January by 5.9%, and in February they were additionally indexed on behalf of the President to 8.6%. As a result of two increases, the insurance old-age pension has increased on average by 1.45 thousand rubles a month since January and amounted to almost 19 thousand rubles.

On June 1, 2022, the pensions of non-working pensioners were additionally indexed by 10%. The average amount of old-age payments increased by 1.8 thousand rubles to 20.8 thousand rubles.

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