From 2023, residents of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions can receive services at the offices of the Social Fund of Russia at the place of actual residence. If you have the appropriate registration, you can apply for maternity capital, a single allowance and other measures of social support.

In addition to registration at the place of residence or temporary stay, the applicant and his family members on whom support measures are issued must have documents confirming the fact of residence in the territory of the new regions at the time of their entry into the Russian Federation (as of September 30, 2022).

An application for the establishment of social support measures and all the necessary documents can be submitted personally to the Social Fund's client services or in a personal account on the public services portal, followed by submission of documents to the OSFR client service. Documents for registration of services can be submitted without translation into Russian.

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