march 2019

State pensions grow 2% on April 1

State pensions, including social pensions, grew 2% on April 1, 2019, consistent with the increase of the pensioner’s subsistence minimum in 2018. The raise applied to almost 4 million pensioners, including 3.2 million recipients of social pensions.


Russians, who have no permanent residence address, have their pensions assigned to actual place of residence

Russian citizens, who have no permanent residence address, can have their social pension assigned to the actual place of residence, consistent with the amendments to the state pension assignment regulations that took effect in March. Social pension applicants can certify their residence in Russia with a statement personally filed with the PFR or documents issued by social service institutions, correctional institutions, or educational institutions where the person is registered with.


Auction held to deposit pension savings into banks

Applications for placing pension savings into bank deposits have been processed at the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange. The application of one credit institution for 15.4 billion rubles, i.e. the entire auctioned amount, was accepted. Pension savings were placed into bank deposits for a period of 109 days at an annual rate of 7.87%.

february 2019

Auction held to deposit pension savings into banks

Applications for placing pension savings into bank deposits have been processed at the Moscow Exchange. The application of one credit institution for 500 million rubles, i.e. the entire auctioned amount, was accepted. Pension savings were placed into bank deposits for a period of 45 days at an annual rate of 7.7%. The volume of applications more than twice exceeded the auctioned sum.


Indexation of pensions to be based on pensioner’s subsistence minimum

Consistent with the proposal made by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his annual address to the Federal Assembly on February 20, the indexation of pensions and monthly benefits will be based on the pensioner’s substance minimum. This means that the indexation will apply not to the current amount of pensions and monthly social benefits, but to the overall payments to pensioners, which are increased to the amount of the regional pensioner’s subsistence minimum with the supplementary social benefit.

The current rules require that the indexation disregards the pensioner’s substance minimum. So, every indexation increases the amount of pension and proportionately reduces the supplementary social benefit, which keeps the pension at the subsistence minimum. As a result, payments received by some pensioners do not increase after the indexation.

The proposed amendments will first increase total payments to the pensioner to the subsistence minimum and provide the indexation of pension afterwards. Pensioners will receive the indexation in addition to the regional pensioner’s subsistence minimum, and the overall payments to pensioners will exceeded the pensioner’s subsistence minimum as a result of indexation of pensions and monthly social benefits of the current year.

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