june 2019

PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov attended the official opening of the Computer All-Round Championship among pensioners

On 4 June, the final stage of the 9th Russian National Computer All-Round Championship among pensioners organized by the Union of Pensioners of Russia and the Government of the Kirov region and supported by the Federation Council, Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and Pension Fund of Russia started in Kirov.

may 2019


Pension Fund receives ISSA certificate of merit for advanced actuarial practice

The International Social Security Association (ISSA) has lauded the Russian Pension Fund’s contribution to the promotion of actuarial practices. A certificate of merit for advanced actuarial practice was presented to PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov at the ISSA Regional Social Security Forum for Europe in Baku in May.

april 2019


Calculation of non-working pensioners’ social supplement to be reviewed

Consistent with the April amendments to the Federal Law on State Social Security and the Federal Law on the Subsistence Minimum in the Russian Federation, the rules of calculating the social supplement, which raises the pension to the regional pensioner’s subsistence minimum, have been reviewed.


Russian Pension Fund, Rostelecom announce 5th Russian Contest “Thank You, Internet”

The Russian Contest “Thank You, Internet 2019” organized by the Russian Pension Fund and the Rostelecom company begins today. People older than 50, who have been trained to use a computer and the Internet, including at specialized computer courses, can become contestants. Applications and essays in various nominations, including “Gosuslugi.ru Portal: My Experience,” “My Internet Achievements,” “Internet Entrepreneur; Internet Employer,” and “My Social Internet Initiatives,” shall be submitted on the Internet ABC website.


Pension Fund participates in Forum and Exhibition “For Fair Public Procurement”

The Russian Pension Fund has taken part in the Forum and Exhibition “For Fair Public Procurement” held in Moscow on April 3-5 with the support of the Russian People’s Front. PFR’s exhibition stand and consulting station provided detailed information about the Fund’s procurements to visitors. Besides, the Fund’s representatives participated in debates on public procurement and tender procedures.

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