september 2019

august 2019

Accounts of Crimean residents to be augmented with information about length of employment, contributions made before registration in mandatory pension insurance system

Consistent with the August amendments to the federal law on pensions in Crimea, employers operating in the republic must provide the Russian Pension Fund with information about the periods of employment of local workers before their registration in the mandatory pension insurance system. The information will expand pension entitlements of Crimean residents and will raise their awareness.

The information, which must be submitted to the PFR consistent with the amendments, concerns occupation, position, particular labor conditions, and length of employment, in addition to periods of socially useful activity, such as military service.


Federal Register of Disabled Persons to be key instrument ensuring voting rights of people with disabilities

Information stored in the Federal Register of Disabled Persons will enable election commissions to count the number of people with disabilities residing in their constituencies and to prepare their participation in elections with due account of individual needs.

Information from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons concerning their number, including the number of people on wheelchairs, using guide dogs, or having eyesight, hearing and locomotive impairments will help assist such people in exercising their voting rights.

june 2019

Benefits for looking after children with disabilities and persons disabled from childhood to be increased to RUR 10,000 from July 1

Under Presidential Decree, from 1 July 2019, monthly benefit for looking after children with disabilities and persons disabled from childhood (Group One) will nearly double, from RUR 5,500 to RUR 10,000, to be paid to carers-parents and adoptive parents of children with disabilities or persons disabled from childhood (Group One), and to guardians and trustees. Other carers will continue to receive RUR 1,200.


The Pension Fund of Russia and Х5 Retail Group have signed a cooperation agreement

Today, a bilateral agreement between the Pension Fund of Russia and Х5 Retail Group has been signed at the Forum for Social Innovations in Regions held in Moscow on 19 to 21 June. The main purpose of the Agreement is the implementation of social support measures for pensioners and pre-pensioners, such as discounts and individualized offers in Х5 chain stores.


Anton Drozdov: social services should be proactive

The Pension Fund of Russia takes part in the Russian national poverty reduction project. Anton Drozdov, PFR Board Chairman, told RIA Novosti about specific features of this line of business, changes in the non-budgetary fund status and current developments in maternity capital payment procedure.

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