november 2019


Over 1.1 million Russians confirm their right to preretirement benefits in 2019

As of October 1, the Russian Pension Fund had reaffirmed the right of over 1.1 million pre-retirees to social support and benefits prescribed by the new legislature. The information was directed to employers, the authorities and benefit-providing agencies or pre-retirees themselves in client services of the Pension Fund, their personal accounts or multifunctional centers.


Anton Drozdov wins World Pension Summit award

Russian Pension Fund Board Chairman Anton Drozdov was presented with the honorary certificate “Innovations in the Development of National Pension Systems” for implementing advanced actuarial practices in the Russian pension system.

october 2019


Nikolay Kozlov reelected treasurer of International Social Security Association

Russian Pension Fund Board Deputy Chairman Nikolay Kozlov has been reelected treasurer of the International Social Security Association (ISSA) for the period until 2020. The election took place on October 18 at the 38th session of the ISSA Council, which was held on the sidelines of the World Social Security Forum.


PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov takes part in conference “All-Age Society”

The 7th National Conference “All-Age Society” opened in Moscow today. It is held together with the forum “Russia – Territory of Care” and addresses initiatives which improve living standards of the elder generation in Russia. Speaking at the plenary session, PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov told the audience about a decline in the number of able-bodied citizens and the increasing burden of ageing population on the social security system.

september 2019


Russian Pension Fund sums up results of H1 2019, sets main task for H2

The Russian Pension Fund Board met in Moscow today to sum up results of the Fund’s activity in the first half of 2019 and to set tasks for the period till the end of this year. The meeting was attended by PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov, Board members, and heads of the Fund’s regional branches.

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