january 2020


How old-age pensions are assigned in 2020

The period of transition to a higher retirement age continues this year for persons entitled to old-age pensions. New parameters are taking effect step by step. Although the retirement age has grown by one more year in 2020 to a total of two years, pensions are still assigned six months earlier to women at 55.5 and men at 60.5.


The size of maternity capital increased to 466,617 rubles

Consistent with the amendments, which took effect on January 1, the size of maternity capital increased to 466,617 rubles. The sum grew by 13,600 rubles or 3% year-on-year. The amendments applied to all families, who had maternity capital left as of late last year either fully or partially. The Russian Pension Fund estimated the number of such families at 3.4 million.


More families to receive monthly payments from maternity capital in 2020

Amendments that increase the number of families entitled to monthly payments from maternity capital for their second child took effect on January 1. The amendments increased the maximum monthly income per capita in families entitled to the monthly payment to two subsistence minimums. The period of monthly payments was doubled, till the time the second child turns 3. In the past, only families with the monthly income per capita amounting to 1.5 subsistence minimums qualified for the monthly payment, and monthly payments were received till the second child turned 18 months.

december 2019

Regarding insurance pension indexation due on Jan 1, 2020

Starting January 1, 2020, insurance pensions of non-working pensioners will be increased by 6.6%, which exceeds the 2019 inflation rates. The fixed payment and the pension point value, which are the basis for calculating the amount of the insurance pension, will grow to 5,686 rubles and 25 kopecks and 93 rubles, respectively.


PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov on benefits of electronic employment record book

The federal law on electronic employment record book takes effect in Russia on January 1, 2020. Russian Pension Fund head Anton Drozdov told TASS about advantages of the electronic employment record book, the possibility to continue using paper-based employment record books, employee information to be provided by employers, and security of personal data.

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