march 2020


Self-employed Persons Are Able to Pay Voluntarily Contributions Using Mobile App “My Tax”

Now self-employed persons, paying the tax levied on the proceeds from professional activity, are able to make voluntarily contributions building up personal pension fund via mоbile app «My Tax». The application gives the opportunity to register in the Pension Fund as a payer of insurance contributions, which is a prerequisite for making the voluntarily contributions.


Majority of PFR Services Are Available via Personal Cabinet

The Pension Fund of Russia recommends to all citizens and especially to aged persons to apply for the state services remotely via personal cabinet to reduce visits to the public places and in such a manner to protect oneself against the new coronavirus.


300 thousand Russian Pensioners Increased Computer Literacy by Training

The Rostelecom Company and the Pension Fund of Russia has drawn up the results of the training program «ABC of Internet» for the five-year period. From September 2014 to the end of 2019 305,400 retired persons, among them 54,400 persons in 2019, increased computer literacy by training.


Maternity Capital Will Be Assigned in a Proactive Manner

The President of Russia Vladimir Puttin signed the Federal law, according to which certain changes are introduced into the Maternity Capital Program. The amendments provide for increase of the sum of the state support, for new ways of use of the maternity capital, make disposal of the funds easier and more convenient, and extend the program validity.

february 2020


One and a Half Million Users Installed PFR Mobile Application

More than one and a half million users have installed mobile application of the Pension Fund of Russia, which makes it possible to employ electronic services of the Pension Fund via smartphone. This mobile app is popular both among the pensioners and those persons who are in the process of accumulating of the pension awards.


In 2019 More than a Million Pensions and Social Benefits Were Assigned Using Data from Federal Register of Disabled Persons

Over the previous year the Pension Fund of Russia fixed 1.1 million benefit payments using data from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons. The major part of the assignments, particularly 723,000 is attributed to monthly monetary payments, to which all disabled persons are entitled, irrespective of the disability status. And 388,500 decisions were made on assignment of the insurance or state disability pensions.

january 2020
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