may 2020

Funded pensions to grow 9.13% in 2020

Funded pensions will grow 9.13% this year. The coefficient has been endorsed on the basis of returns on last year’s investment of pension savings, which thrice exceeded the inflation rate (3%). Pensions of 80,000 people will be automatically adjusted on August 1.


Support for family with children expanded

The president’s order has expanded the entitlement of families with children to the monthly benefit of 5,000 rubles, which is provided for children younger than three in the period from April till June. Now the benefit is available not to only families with maternity capital but to any other families where the first child was either born or adopted between April 1, 2017, and January 1, 2020.

april 2020

More than One Million Veterans Received Special Benefit

The Pension Fund of Russia delivered special benefit to the World War II veterans on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. More than one million veterans received this special benefit. According to the Presidential decree such benefits amount to RUB 75 thousand or RUB 50 thousand.


Indexation of Pensions to Pensioners-Guardians from July

According to the amendment to the Federal law on mandatory pension insurance beginning from 1st July 2020 the pensions of the retired persons, who are guardians or trustees of the underage children, will be indexed.


New Reporting Dates: Hiring and Dismissal

To prevent transmission of the new coronavirus in Russia and ensure sanitary-epidemiologic welfare of the population in RF the Government of the Russian Federation adopted resolution No.460.

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