july 2020


Russian Pension Fund reaffirms pre-retirement benefit entitlements of over 1 mln Russians

Over the first six months of 2020, the Russian Pension Fund confirmed the entitlement to various types of social support and benefits of 1.2 million pre-retirees. The information was sent to the authorities and government agencies providing such benefits or directly to pre-retirees via the personal account section on the PFR website, the Public Services Portal, territorial bodies of the Pension Fund or multifunctional centers.


Info on free parking of disabled persons available nationwide

It is now possible to receive a free parking permit for the vehicle transporting a disabled person or child online. The relevant amendments to the Federal Law on Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation took effect on July 1, 2020, as one more step to increase the accessibility of public and municipal services for disabled persons.

june 2020

Pension Fund extends till yearend fast-track assignment of pensions, social benefits

The Russian Pension Fund has extended a number of temporary measures in the assignment of pensions enacted in April-June due to the complicated epidemiological situation. The PFR will continue the online assignment of certain types of pensions and allowances, the provision of necessary information, the proactive extension and update of benefits assigned earlier through July.


Participants in pension co-funding program accumulate 7.7 bln rubles in 2019

Pension savings accumulated by participants in the pension co-funding program amounted to 7.7 billion rubles last year; the savings comprised voluntary pension contributions of participants and the government’s contribution made consistent with the program terms. Slightly more than 4 billion rubles were contributed by participants, and 3.7 billion rubles came as government co-funding.


Russian Pension Fund starts payments to guardians of disabled persons, senior citizens, children

The Russian Pension Fund has started payments to citizens who took in disabled persons, senior citizens, orphans or children left without parental care for assisted or temporary living in the period from April till June 2020. According to the government resolution, such temporary guardians are entitled to the monthly benefit of 12,130 rubles per every person they are taking care of.

may 2020
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