april 2021
december 2020

Preferential parking of disabled persons to be based on FRDP data starting on Jan 1

People who use the “Disabled Person” label on their vehicles for preferential parking purposes need to apply for the free parking permit for the vehicle transporting a disabled adult or child either online in the personal account on the Public Services portal, or on the website of the Federal Register of Disabled Persons (FRDP), or personally in a multifunctional center.


Form of employment record book to be chosen by yearend

The Russian Pension Fund reminds all working citizens of the need to submit a written statement to their employers in a free style before December 31, 2020, in order to choose the form of their employment record books, which could be either electronic or paper. The shift to electronic employment record books is voluntary.

august 2020

New coaching module of Internet ABC to help pensioners plan their trip unaided

Rostelecom and the Russian Pension Fund have prepared a new module for the advanced Internet ABC course, “The Internet for Travel and Recreation: Subtleties and Useful Tips.” The new course is a package of additional materials for studies of senior citizens, who have learned computer basics and those who seek to expand their knowledge and to use more opportunities offered by the Internet.


Liberalized procedure of assignment of pensions, social benefits remains in place in August

The Russian Pension Fund has extended a number of measures endorsed in April due to the complicated epidemiological situation with the purpose of liberalized assignment and payment of pensions. The PFR will continue to assign certain types of pensions and benefits online, to assist citizens in the collection of necessary information, and to proactively extend and adjust payments till the end of August.

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