february 2022

Pension Fund starts paying pensions raised by 8.6%

Non-working pensioners will be receiving larger payments starting today. Their February pensions will be supplemented with an additional payment for January, when pensions were raised by 8.6% as against 5.9% before.

january 2022

OSAGO compensation to become easier for disabled persons

Irrespective of the group of disability, all disabled persons are entitled to compensation in the amount of 50% of the mandatory motor third party liability insurance (OSAGO) premium. The benefit is envisaged by the law on mandatory motor third party liability insurance. Earlier, the compensation was provided by social protection services. Starting from 2022, the compensations and some other benefits will become the area of the Russian Pension Fund and will be assigned by its territorial branches.

december 2021

november 2021
september 2021

Scheduled and unscheduled pension raises over year

The Russian Pension Fund reminds that pensions are raised upon turning 80, working in the North or quitting a job not at the established dates throughout the year, for example, October 1, but upon the occurrence of relevant circumstances.

may 2021

Pension Fund assigns 3 bln rubles to co-fund voluntary pension savings of Russians

The Russian Pension Fund has credited 3 billion rubles to accounts of Russians who made voluntary pension contributions last year. This is the state investment in the pension savings co-funding program. Participants in the program can contribute from 2,000 to 12,000 rubles per year to form their pension savings, and receive the same amount from the government. In all, 3.4 billion rubles were paid as voluntary contributions last year, and the overall pension savings reached 6.4 billion rubles, including contributions from the government.

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