april 2022

First payment after pension assignment made twice faster

Russians who retire this year will receive the first payment of the assigned pension twice faster. The new rules took effect in January. According to them, the first pension is paid within seven working days instead of 15 days, as it was before 2022. The period begins on the day the pension is assigned.

Over 41,200 disability pensions assigned pro-actively since beginning of 2022

The pro-active assignment of insurance and social disability pensions began on January 1, 2022. Such pensions and social benefits, including a package of social services, are assigned on the day a person is declared disabled consistent with information from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons without providing respective certificates to the Pension Fund. More than 41,200 disabled persons had their pensions pro-actively assigned since the beginning of this year. These people were not pensioners before they became disabled. Whenever a current pensioner becomes disabled, the PFR assigns a monthly benefit.

Families with children aged from 8 to 17 can apply for new benefits from May 1

Families with low income and children aged from 8 to 17 can apply for new benefits from May 1, 2022. The benefit will be paid for the period since April 1. A family that files an application after May 1 will receive the benefit for two months, both April and May, on condition that a child turned eight as of April.

march 2022

Child care period automatically included in mother’s pension entitlements

The Russian Pension Fund automatically includes child care periods in mothers’ pension entitlements. According to the current rules, this period is included in mothers’ labor record and increases their pension points. Information about child care periods comes from the birth register of civil registration offices, maternity capital applications and one-off payments to families with children ordered by the president. Thanks to this information exchange, the Pension Fund proactively added new information to accounts of 4.7 million women.

Unified rules of provision of social protection measures

The benefits the Russian Pension Fund now pays in the stead of social protection services are provided in the uniform procedure in all constituent territories of Russia, and practically everyone receives them on the same day. Before 2022, the rules of the provision of such payments could differ from one region to another. Nowadays, the Pension Fund gives measures of support nationwide, consistent with the uniform rules and on the basis of social treasury principles.

february 2022

What Pension Fund payments retired servicemen, their families are entitled to

Former military servicemen and law enforcement officers may receive civilian pensions in addition to the main pension received from the relevant agency. In order to do so, they will need a civilian labor record acquired upon their discharge from service, a minimal number of pension points, and the achievement of a retirement age. This year, the qualifications stand at 13 years of labor record, 23.4 pension points, and retirement age of 61.1 years for men and 56.5 years for women.

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