may 2022

Disabled people in wheelchair may book special seats on long-distance trains online

Disabled people in wheelchair may now book special seats on intercity trains online. The online booking option is available owing to integration of the Russian Railways system and the Federal Register of Disabled Persons operated by the Pension Fund. The register gives constant access to information about disabled persons to the transport company and makes it unnecessary to confirm disability with documents.

Some 83,000 disability pensions assigned proactively since year beginning

The proactive assignment of insurance and social disability pensions began this year. Nowadays, they are assigned on the basis of information from the Federal Register of Disabled Persons without the provision of additional documents. Some 83,000 disabled persons have received payments in the proactive format since January.    

4,000 Pension Fund specialists help parents receive new child benefit during May holidays

Client services of the Russian Pension Fund and the unified call center stayed open on weekends and holidays in May to receive applications from families for a new benefit for children aged from eight to 17. The submission of applications began on May 1. Besides the public services portal, the applications were accepted at 2,000 territorial divisions of the fund. On May 1-3 and May 7-10, territorial offices were working on a special schedule and receiving applications for the new benefit for parents’ convenience. Service was provided by 4,000 PFR specialists on holidays.

Residents of Krasnodar Territory most often choose house construction with maternity capital

Some 55,000 families spent maternity capital on building or renovating their home last year. Except for Moscow, the option was most frequently used by residents of the Krasnodar Territory where over 3,000 applications of the sort were filed.  Residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region also preferred building a house to buying one. Some 2,400 families spent the money that way.

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