january 2019


Insurance pensions of non-working pensioners up 7.05% since Jan 1

Insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were raised 7.05% on January 1, 2019, which was more than the forecasted inflation rates of 2018. The increased fixed-rate payment amounted to 5,334.2 rubles per month, and the value of a pension point reached 87.24 rubles.

december 2018

PFR Board Chairman Drozdov attends forum “Russia – Territory of Care”

The national forum “Russia – Territory of Care” opened in Moscow today to address legislative initiatives which improve the quality of life of Russian senior citizens. PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov spoke at a forum panel meeting and told the audience about the work done by the government to the benefit of the older generation.


PFR Board holds expanded meeting in Moscow

The Russian Pension Fund Board held an expanded meeting in Moscow today. The meeting involved Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova, Russian Labor and Social Protection Minister Maxim Topilin, PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov, representatives of the Russian Federal Assembly and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, managers of PFR offices from all constituent territories of Russia, and heads of structural units of the PFR Executive Directorate.

november 2018


Preferential period for pre-retirees to begin five years before new retirement age

The transitional period, which sets new parameters of the retirement age, will begin in Russia in 2019. The adaptation will be cushioned by the smooth increase, by only six months per annum in the first few years, and the preservation of various benefits and social support measures currently in effect upon the achievement of the retirement age, such as in the payment of property and land taxes. There will be new benefits related to annual medical checks and employment guarantees.


Maternity capital certificates now issued faster

The amendments to Federal Law No. 256-FZ “On Additional Measures of State Support to Families with Children” have reduced the period for issuing maternity capital certificates. The month-long period envisaged by the law earlier has been cut to 15 days, which start on the day the application is filed with the Russian Pension Fund (PFR).

october 2018

Pension Fund warns about SNILS fraud

The number of fraudulent Internet ads offering to issue SNILS (personal pension account number) and the mandatory pension insurance certificate for a fee has grown lately

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