october 2018

Pension Fund, Rostelecom update training program for pensioners “Internet ABC”

The Russian Pension Fund and Rostelecom have updated materials of the training program for pensioners “Internet ABC”. Now the program has a section devoted to online videoconferencing applications. The section presents the most popular videoconferencing programs, and describes their functions and rules of installation.


Pension reform bill signed into federal law

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a federal law aimed at balancing and providing long-term financial stability of the pension system. Modifications endorsed by the law set the universal retirement age at 65 years for men and 60 years for women. The raising of the retirement age will be gradual: it will begin on January 1, 2019, and last for ten years until 2028.


Russian Pension Fund, Rostelecom hold online seminar “Internet ABC”

The Russian Pension Fund and Rostelecom have held a joint online seminar for coaches and organizers of the “Internet ABC” course, a program raising computer awareness amongst pensioners. The event took place in 47 constituent territories of Russia and involved over 1,100 representatives of regional social policy ministries, employees of libraries and social institutions, and pedagogues of higher education establishments.

september 2018

Pension awareness lessons to be held nationwide

Pension awareness lessons are about to begin at general-education schools, vocational and higher education establishments across Russia. Thousands of specialists representing territorial branches of the Russian Pension Fund will tell the young at schools, colleges, and universities about the Russian Pension system and pension-forming rules. Lessons are already in progress in some regions; they have evoked interest of both students and their teachers.

august 2018

Over half a million people install PFR's mobile application

More than 520,000 people have downloaded the mobile application of the Russian Pension Fund that gives access to key online services available on the PFR website. The application connects users to information about their personal account in the Pension Fund, assigned pensions and social benefits, and insurance contributions paid by employers; it can also be used to make an appointment or file a request for issuing necessary documents.


PFR Consulting Center processes half a million applications

The Federal Consulting Center of the Russian Pension Fund gave about 400,000 consultations to citizens over the phone in the first half of 2018 on the subject of pensions, social benefits, maternity capital, government co-funding of pension savings, etc. Meanwhile, operators processed more than 140,000 applications filed via the online consulting service on the PFR website.

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