august 2018
july 2018

Duma adopts pension reform bill in first reading

The State Duma has adopted in the first reading the government bill raising the retirement age. The key objective of the bill is to accelerate the growth of pensions of non-working pensioners and retain insurance principles of the Russian pension system.


New services become available in Pension Fund’s personal account section

Two new services have been launched in the personal account section of the Pension Fund’s website: they regard the assignment of professional pension benefits to former civil aviation and coal industry employees, and additional benefits for outstanding merits and achievements. It is now possible to apply for such Pension Fund benefits online, by using the personal account section on the PFR website.

june 2018

Bill gradually raising retirement age drafted

On June 14, the Russian government approved a federal bill “On the Adjustment of Certain Russian Legislative Acts Pertaining to the Assignment and Payment of Pensions” prepared by the Russian Labor and Social Protection Ministry.


Russian Pension Fund publishes 2017 report

The Russian Pension Fund published a report on key areas and results of its activity in 2017. The document reflects key performance indicators of the Russian pension and social security system in 2017

may 2018

Government doubles contributions of individual participants in pension co-financing program

Voluntary contributions of individuals participating in state pension co-financing program accounted for 5.3 billion rubles in 2017. In line with the legislation, in May 2018, the state co-financed these contributions for the total amount of 5.1 billion rubles. In addition to voluntary contributions of individuals and government funds, employers as third party to the program also contributed to the funding in 2017. They have transferred over 92 million rubles. Thus, in 2017 the total amount of contributions to the program accounted for 10.5 billion rubles.

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