march 2018

Maternity capital: what’s new in 2018

The Pension Fund reminds you that the maternity capital program was expanded in 2018 in the context of new measures of the Russian government towards demographic support for families with children. The amendments give broader opportunities for using maternity capital funds as soon as the second child is either born or adopted.

february 2018

PFR head Anton Drozdov attends Russian Investment Forum

Russian Pension Fund Board Chairman Anton Drozdov has taken part in the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi dedicated to the country’s investment and economic potential. The PFR head gave a speech at the “Digital Economy: Problems and Perspective of Normative Regulation” session, which addressed the government-approved plan of elaborating a package of laws, which would regulate the digital economy and lift major legislative barriers to Russia’s digitalization.


PFR services lead in terms of public services portal user requests

According to the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, online services provided by the Russian Pension Fund were listed amongst most popular services of the public services portal in 2017. The ministry gave the information in its report on last year’s operation of the public services portal.
“Public services portal users mostly requested information about tax and court-ordered arrears and the status of their personal accounts in the Russian Pension Fund,” the report said.

january 2018

Monthly social benefit, value of social services’ package grow on Feb 1

The monthly social benefit, the most common type of social benefits in Russia, grew by 2.5% on February 1. The Russian Pension Fund is currently paying this benefit to over 15.4 million federal benefit holders, including persons with disabilities, war veterans, people impacted by radiation, Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, Heroes of Socialist Labor, and other citizens.


Insurance pensions of non-working pensioners grow by 3.7% on Jan 1

Insurance pensions (including the fixed payment) of non-working pensioners increased by 3.7% on January 1, 2018: this is higher than the 2017 forecasted inflation rates. The increased fixed payment amounts to 4,982.9 rubles per month, and the pension point value is 81.49 rubles (78.58 rubles in 2017). An average old-age insurance pension has thus grown to 14,075 rubles, while an average old-age insurance pension of non-working pensioners stands at 14, 329 rubles.


Pension system: what Russians should expect in 2018

A number of events and modifications essential for all parties to the mandatory pension insurance system, including current and future pensioners, will take place in Russia’s pension system in 2018.

Rise of pensions and social benefits

Although insurance pensions regularly increase by the actual inflation rates of the previous year, the 2018 pension increase will surpass the inflation rates of 2017. Insurance pensions of non-working pensioners will grow by 3.7% as early as on January 1, 2018, instead of February as before. The increased fixed payment will amount to monthly 4,982.9 rubles, and one pension point will reach 81.49 rubles. As a result, an average annual old-age insurance pension will grow to 14,075 rubles, and to 14,329 rubles for non-working pensioners.

Starting February 1, the monthly social benefit received by federal benefit holders will increase by the 2017 inflation rates.

State pensions, including social ones, will be raised by 4.1% on April 1. Once this happens, an average annual social pension will amount to 9,045 rubles. An average social pension of children with disabilities and persons with lifelong disabilities of the first group will reach 13,699 rubles.

Pensioners who were working in 2017 will have their insurance pensions increased in August 2018: the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) will accomplish the traditional automatic adjustment of insurance pensions.

december 2017

Russian Pension Fund sums up preliminary results of 2017

An expanded meeting of the Russian Pension Fund’s Board is taking place in Moscow today. It involves Russian Labor and Social Protection Minister Maxim Topilin, PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov, representatives of the Russian Federal Assembly and the Russian Federation of Independent Trade Unions, managers of PFR offices from all constituent territories of Russia, and heads of structural units of the PFR Executive Directorate.

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