december 2017

Russian Pension Fund’s Public Council holds first meeting

The Russian Pension Fund’s Public Council has held its first meeting. PFR Board Chairman Anton Drozdov greeted Public Council members. The PFR head introduced the Pension Fund leaders and heads of PFR structural divisions and told Council members in detail about key areas of the PFR activity.

november 2017

Pension Fund services highly appreciated

The public opinion on the quality of Pension Fund services has been invariably high, according to the statistical data of the Your control public system.


Over 3 mln Russians request pension assignment, change pension delivery method online in 2017

The number of Russian citizens filing their pension assignment requests online has been growing: as many as 1.2 million Russians did so using the Personal account section on the Russian Pension Fund’s website in the first ten months of 2017. This is 440,000 people more than in the entire year 2016. Almost 1.9 million people chose the pension delivery method online; their number grew by 800,000 since 2016.

october 2017


Over 1 million Russians assigned pensions online in 2017

The number of Russians whose pensions are assigned online has been on the rise: a total of 1.036 million Russians had their pensions assigned via the personal account section on the Russian Pension Fund’s website in the first nine months of 2017.


PFR sums up results of H1 2017

The PFR Board had a meeting chaired by Russian Pension Fund head Anton Drozdov in Moscow today to sum up results of the Fund’s activity in the first half of 2017 and set tasks for the second half of the year. State Secretary and Deputy Labor and Social Protection Minister Andrei Pudov, members of the PFR Board, and heads of all PFR regional offices participated in the meeting by videoconferencing means.

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